Points Voucher
Here we will go over how points voucher working
Last updated
Here we will go over how points voucher working
Last updated
How to Generate a Voucher Code in IBizLink
Access the CRM Profile:
Go to app.ibizlink.net.
Navigate to CRM > Profile.
Select the customer profile for whom you want to generate a voucher.
Generate a Voucher Code:
If no voucher has been created for the customer, you can generate one from their profile.
The maximum points you can assign to a voucher is 100.
The default expiration date is 4 weeks from the generation date.
You can modify the expiration period in Order App settings (BIS).
Clicking the voucher code will copy it to the clipboard.
Only one active points voucher can exist per customer.
To generate a new voucher, you must first remove the existing voucher.
3 . Voucher Usage Tracking:
When a customer redeems the voucher via OrderApp, it will be marked as used.
The system will display which customer email used the voucher.